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SpaceBridge dévoile sa nouvelle solution VSAT Estella

Washington DC, March 20, 2024 – At the 2024 Satellite show in Washington, DC on March 19, SpaceBridge was proud to announce the unveiling of its groundbreaking product, the SpaceBridge ESTELLA VSAT solution. ESTELLA represents a paradigm shift in satellite communication technology.  It provides total satellite capacity management utilizing the industry’s most advanced and efficient dynamic TDMA and WaveSwitch™ (dynamic SCPC) offering over a common bandwidth pool to deliver balanced total satellite bandwidth and power management. TDMA/ WaveSwitch™ carriers are created every 20msecs to meet dynamic demand of user terminals in a manner which delivers equivalent to flexible Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS).  Demand compliant with open standards-based DVB-RCS2 standards, ESTELLA introduces many complementary enhancements focused on delivering a solution with significantly reduced overheads (a traditional problem with TDMA networks), achieving efficiencies as high as 99.5%, while offering the widest range of modulations and coding in the industry (from 16x spread spectrum to 64QAM).  Our capabilities allow us to address all market cases from:

Broadband ISP: Delivering essential TDMA broadband Internet services over satellite, scalable to dozens of thousands of remotes. Enhances user experience with IP TCP acceleration over satellite.

Rural Cellular Backhaul: Empowering mobile operators with stringent Service Level Agreements (SLA) ESTELLA can move remotes between TDMA and WaveSwitchTM seamless and hitless to provide perfectly matched backhaul capability.  With integral GTP acceleration, ESTELLA is ready to fuel your 4G/5G satellite deployment.

Private Enterprise Networks: Efficiently supports large or medium enterprise networks with secure traffic transmission and network utilization optimization.

IoT and SCADA and mobility:  With spread spectrum support, SpaceBridge can support small aperture or flat panel antennas to provide cost effective services across challenging bymarkets such as IoT, SCADA and mobility.

Military and Paramilitary: ESTELLA provides critical on-demand TDMA/ WaveSwitchTM carrier creation in response to emergency and/or military operations. With our FHSS algorithm, all carriers are shifted every 20msecs while simultaneously inject scrambling codes into the traffic stream to encrypt all networking data and control messages to render the traffic impervious to snooping.  High availability, dynamic bandwidth, security, robust modulation and coding options equal services military and paramilitary can depend on.

SpaceBridge is spearheading a groundbreaking shift away from the conventional dedicated TDMA or SCPC approach to the new era of efficient communications, then User Terminals getting the SCPC like or TDMA assignment on-a-fly,  paving the way for revolutionary advancements.
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