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411, rue University, Seattle, États-Unis

+1 -800-456-478-23


WEBINAR // ESTELLA : L'avenir de la connectivité



Embark on a journey into the future of satellite communication technology with SpaceBridge as we proudly present ESTELLA, our groundbreaking Multi-Service HUB Solution. More than just a solution, ESTELLA represents a paradigm shift in connectivity, redefining the way we experience SATCOM.

Join us for an exclusive panel discussion where we will showcase how ESTELLA’s Advanced TDMA solution ensures optimal resource utilization, maximizing efficiency and delivering unparalleled performance.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation with SpaceBridge. Experience the ESTELLA Multi-Service HUB Solution – Seamless Connections, Limitless Possibilities!

30-minute webinar


Thursday, March 7, 2024 · 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT -5:00) 



Rachel Jewett

Senior Managing Editor, Via Satellite

Amir Kashanizadeh

Director of System Engineering, Spacebridge

Mr. Amir Kashanizadeh has been spending the past 20 years at the edge of high-tech, working as the system designer, architect and project manager in satellite communications, telecommunications and networking arenas as well as Satellite Service Providing.

Amir a rejoint SpaceBridge en 2009, et depuis lors, il a conquis plusieurs sommets tels que :

*Designing SpaceBridge Multi-orbit 5G unified New Radio Satellite/Ground System with AI/ML Dynamic Resource Management

*Designing the first HTS baseband system in Canada, which was selected by Scientific Innovation Funding program of Canada

*Inventing award winning WaveSwitchTM , a mechanism to best utilize satellite resources with various waveforms by using machine learning and AI

*Designing hybrid LEO-5G system platform for smart cities.

*Designing GEO-LEO satellite modem with MEC capability

*Designing unified satellite and ground segment solution for SDSN

Most of the projects have been approved by Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Innovation funding within different governmental programs.

Before that, Amir has been active as a designer and project manager of Terrestrial infrastructures, Campus LAN, WAN and Wireless networks in the National projects, where he received the award of excellence for implementing the best project of the year in Industry (2006).

Comments (3)

  1. Carlos Xavier
    février 20, 2024


  2. Reza Jafari
    février 20, 2024

    This topic is of great value to all of us who are concerned about multi-service platforms and the QoS.

  3. Marc Odsinada
    février 23, 2024

    What are the most significance
    of this technology equipt to our internet connectivity delivery on a multisites over WiFi solutions?

Comments are closed.