5G and Satellites: Hope or Reality?
Thursday, 15 December 2022
3:00 pm UK time / 10:00 am US Eastern time
The much-hyped 5G “network of networks” arrived this decade and media has recently taken to concluding that 5G has not yet lived up to its hype. However, it is still the early days of 5G and the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted the roll-out and take-up of 5G networks. The satellite industry is keenly interested in the development of 5G networks as it sees a world in which communications satellites will be a key component of 5G networks – particularly with the issuance of 3GPP Release 17 – due to communication satellites’ inherent attributes of coverage, resilience, security, and capacity. The complementary use of satellite and terrestrial networks is essential if 5G is to provide the promised levels of coverage, ubiquity and capacity in a safe, reliable and seamless way around the world.
This panel will explore the role already played by satellites in the 5G world, the impact of Release 17, and whether hopes for the future role of satellites in the 5G world have been dimmed.