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For Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorities, it is essential to ensure the highest level of passenger safety. In fact, reliable voice and data communications between air traffic controllers and pilots is one of the crucial elements to ensure the passengers’ safety.

 Therefore, SpaceBridge offers a unique solution powered by our award-winning WaveSwitch technology. It efficiently provisions satellite-based communications and air navigation services. This solution follows the standards and recommended practices with the concept of Operational Safety of the CNS/ATM (Communications, Navigation, Surveillance / Air Traffic Management) established and recommended by ICAO (International Civil Aeronautical Organization). In fact, not only does our solution meet safety-critical application standards required for air traffic management, unlike others, SpaceBridge’s flexible WaveSwitch™  technology also allows operators to implement Star and Mesh networks within the same platform. It combines traffic prioritization in order to increase performance and efficiency.

Moreover, the SpaceBridge solution designed to provide minimum latency, provides the highest Quality of Service (QoS) in order to fulfill the requirements for safe transmission of operational Voice over an IP backbone. Thus, existing ATC interfaces can be interconnected through a network over Ethernet/IP-based backbones. It does this while maintaining reliable and stable operation of the ATC protocol stacks. 

In addition, as part of a highly resilient network and Disaster Recovery Plans, SpaceBridge U7400-M Mesh modems can be deployed in redundant configurations. They connect with geographically diverse and redundant VSAT HUB gateways to deliver 99.99999% availability for ATC authorities. Furthermore, this kind of solution employs Local Terminal Redundancy (LTR) in connection with U7400-M Mesh modems and integrates with external VHF mediation devices that convert VHF and HF to Ethernet frames.