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Path to 5G Broadband: Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)

5G network architecture pushes some decisions and applications to the “Edge” of the network, closer to subscribers, in order to provide low latency and high bandwidth access to content and services. Therefore, edge computing technologies and MEC in particular, provide a migration path towards 5G.

Open Radio Access Network (RAN) and Multi-Access Edge Computing / Mobile Edge Computing

Moreover, mobile operators can use MEC to flexibly and rapidly deploy innovative applications and services for mobile subscribers by opening their Radio Access Network (RAN) edge to authorized third parties.

Additionally, deploying an open-RAN MEC platform will let an operator offload processing from the Core to the network Edge and drive content nearer to end-users. Therefore, by processing data locally, MEC applications can also significantly reduce backhaul traffic and data transfer costs. Similarly, operators can offload traffic from their own networks while letting authorized and authenticated networks inject content directly at the edge without consuming the MNO’s core network. In fact, this can be done while maintaining full core compatibility and support. 

Leveraging Satellite advantages with Mobile Edge

Inherently a wide-area, one-to-many broadcast technology, satellites are very effective for pushing the same content to many locations. In fact, this makes them very effective for:

  • Instantly updating CDN endpoints and caching servers with popular content that can be locally cached; and
  • Broadcasting the same live stream to a virtually unlimited number of receiving points.

When combined with MEC, satellites can be used to more efficiently distribute certain types of bandwidth-intensive video and content traffic. Therefore, freeing up terrestrial backhaul and front haul capacity for interactive services.