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411, rue University, Seattle, États-Unis

+1 -800-456-478-23

Série SBDA120 : Antennes de 1,2 m en bande X, Ku et Ka (Drive-Away)

Présentation du produit

Ces antennes mobiles conviennent aux applications les plus exigeantes et les plus critiques.
Disponible en trois bandes : X, Ku et Ka-band.


  • Lightweight and resistant, can be installed in small vans and pick-ups
  • Easy and fast to deploy and stow
  • Fast, precise and reliable satellite acquisition
  • Integration to any ground network connectivity solution
  • Carbon fiber reflector and supporting system for lighter weight and higher reliability
  • Complies with MIL-STD-188-164A, ITU-R S.580 and INTELSAT requirements
  • Hi gain, low sidelobe, excellent pattern characteristics
  • Auto-deploy and auto-stow smart switch to complete auto positioning, deploy and satellite acquisition
  • Satellite deployment and acquisition within three minutes
  • Motorized polarization adjustment
  • Three control modes: auto, motorized, and manual
  • Tracking accuracy better than 1/8 of received 3dB beamwidth
  • Compatible with SpaceBridge ASAT modems and ESTELLA modems

Applications range from providing connectivity to isolated military units, disaster recovery teams, and detached C² centers, to backhauling tactical land radio communications and acting as a backup, alternate route of a land network, or as a communication hub of main C² centers.

Il convient de l'utiliser lorsque les conditions suivantes sont requises :

  • Au-delà de la ligne de visée (BLOS)
  • Communications en pause (COTP)
  • High land mobility – transported by land vehicle

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